liquidsoap 1.3.0 released

big balls of mud killer
, in 22 May 2017

Liquidsoap version 1.3.0 was recently released! Here are some of the new features and possible gotchas.

You can check out the full changelog here.

default=”” argument

A couple of the list functions now take an argument for the default type. You will have to update your code. For example:





This affects list.nth, list.assoc, and list.hd.

issues with env in get_process_lines

An optional argument was added to get_process_lines and similar functions to allow passing in an environment, which is a list of pairs mapping to environment variable names and values.

If you rely on environment variables like me, this may be an issue. The environment that liquidsoap runs in was not passed to any of the get_process_* functions. @toots has said this will be fixed in the next release.

If you had any other issues with 1.3.0 let me know in the comments! You should also file an issue on liquidsoap’s github.

Modern Online Radio with Liquidsoap Book - Free Sample

Need more help with liquidsoap? Can’t get your script to work?

I wrote a book to help you learn Liquidsoap. The book covers all aspects of liquidsoap, from getting started, to making dynamic streams, audio processing, video, customizing metadata, authentication, and more. The book is available for purchase now here!

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