solving ember fastboot 'flashing' issues

So you setup fastboot on your ember app. Now you are rendering your application on the server, making search engines happy. Things are great. But now you have a new problem. The app on the server will fetch your data from your API to render, then on the client side...

updating ember cli addons for fastboot 1.0

There are some incompatible changes in Fastboot’s 1.0 release. Pre 1.0 you may have checked the environment variable to check if your app was running in fastboot, and disable importing some libraries if so. This will no longer work in Fastboot 1.0. @kratiahuja has written up a great upgrade guide...

Getting started with ember-cli-rails tutorial

Here is how to get started with adding ember-cli-rails to your rails app. We are going to assuming you have a rails app like this one. It’s just a base rails app with one model, Post, that has title and body fields. Install ember-cli-rails and ams Add these lines to...

my experience using ember islands

I’ve always found the prospect of adding ember to an existing rails app daunting. The only way seemed to be all ember or nothing for a long time. Recently I found a project called ember-islands that seems to provide a path for integrating ember a little bit at a time,...

debugging broadcast using this tool without compiling it

For some reason an icecast client known as BUTT (Broadcast Using This Tool) simply refused to work with Streampusher. BUTT works normally with Liquidsoap’s harbor, so I thought it must have be something wrong with my code. I use a small ruby script to authenticate the harbor, like this: def...