liquidsoap 1.3.0 released

Liquidsoap version 1.3.0 was recently released! Here are some of the new features and possible gotchas. You can check out the full changelog here. default=”” argument A couple of the list functions now take an argument for the default type. You will have to update your code. For example: before...

liquidsoap one line if statement

I often run into this problem of trying to conditionally assign something in liquidsoap. source = fallback(id="fallback",track_sensitive=false, [clock(live_dj),mksafe(backup_playlist)]) if tunein_metadata_updates_enabled == "true" then source = on_track(tunein.submit(partnerid="ppppid",partnerkey="ppppkey",stationid="s123456"), s) end Of course this doesn’t work. Liquidsoap complains that I didn’t use the result of the variable. Since liquidsoap does not actually allow...

using image assets in ember-cli-rails

How do you use images from ember’s pipeline in rails? How do you use images from the asset pipeline in ember templates? Even after reading this giant issue thread, I was still a bit unsure of how exactly to use an asset image in my ember template. In my case...

deploy your ember app to s3 with ember-cli-deploy

I recently converted the datafruits front end app to ember.js. Before I was using yeoman and gulp. I’m really liking ember-cli, I like how it feels like rails. Also ember-cli-deploy has popped up as a deployment solution. Configure your ember app for deployment First you will need to install the...

liquidsoap cue and crossfade metadata

You can easily control cue and crossfade points per song in liquidsoap using metadata via the annotate protocol. Namely there are 4 variables you can pass as metadata, liq_fade_in, liq_fade_out, liq_cue_in, and liq_cue_out. These do what you would expect. However, you can also use the annotate protocol even if you...