I thought I would write an article aimed more at beginners to
liquidsoap. This
tutorial will give you a solid starting point into creating your own streaming
radio with liquidsoap.
What this tutorial covers
setting up a stream with a backup playlist, live dj input via harbor, and
emergency fallback broadcast to a single file
mp3 and ogg output to icecast
dumping output to a file
What it doesn’t cover yet, but I will cover in the future
If you don’t have liquidsoap, you’ll need to install it. I have an article about
compiling it from source here,
but it may be easier to install from your package manager if possible. On OSX
with homebrew you can just brew install liquidsoap.
You will also need icecast. I’d recommend getting this from your package manager
as well. Its available in most operating system repositories, read more at
my quickstart repository
I have a git repository
for this getting started tutorial. Please clone the repository and follow along!
If you don’t have git you should be able to grab the zip file.
The example script
I tried to make the simplest possible example that was still pretty useful.
#!/usr/local/bin/liquidsoapset("log.file",true)set("log.file.path","./log/liquidsoap.log")set("log.stdout",true)set("log.level",3)set("harbor.bind_addr","")backup_playlist=playlist("./playlist.txt",conservative=true,mode="normal",reload_mode="watch")output.dummy(fallible=true,backup_playlist)live_dj=input.harbor("live",port=9000)on_fail=single("./technical_difficulties.wav")source=fallback(track_sensitive=false,[live_dj,backup_playlist,on_fail])# We output the stream to an icecast# server, in ogg/vorbis and mp3 format.output.icecast(%vorbis,id="icecast",mount="myradio.ogg",host="localhost",password="hackme",icy_metadata="true",description="cool radio",url="http://myradio.fm",source)output.icecast(%mp3,id="icecast",mount="myradio.mp3",host="localhost",password="hackme",icy_metadata="true",description="cool radio",url="http://myradio.fm",source)# dump live_dj recordings to a filetime_stamp='%m-%d-%Y, %H:%M:%S'output.file(%mp3,"./live_dj_#{time_stamp}.mp3",live_dj,fallible=true)
I’m using some mp3s that are released under a Creative Commons(CC) license in
this tutorial. You can change this playlist to whatever you want, using relative
or absolute paths to your music files in the playlist file.
Live dj input
The second source is a live input from the harbor. It is given a name “live” and
it will listen on port 9000. You can connect to this just like you connect to
icecast/shoutcast from a source client normally.
The final source on_failure is what will be used when every other source
fails. Its a simple wav file that says ‘technical difficulties’ that I made
using the osx say command.
Liquidsoap tries to not let you create sources that it calls ‘fallible’. For
example, just using the live dj input and text playlist only would not be
allowed. If you try, liquidsoap will raise an error.
that source is fallible
Cascading fallbacks
We have set up the fallback system in order of priority.
live dj -> playlist -> single emergency file
The live dj input always takes priority, but if its not available, we have the
playlist of static files. If for some reason the playlist fails, we fall back
to the single file.
Output to icecast
# We output the stream to an icecast# server, in ogg/vorbis and mp3 format.output.icecast(%vorbis,id="icecast",mount="myradio.ogg",host="localhost",password="hackme",icy_metadata="true",description="cool radio",url="http://myradio.fm",source)output.icecast(%mp3,id="icecast",mount="myradio.mp3",host="localhost",password="hackme",icy_metadata="true",description="cool radio",url="http://myradio.fm",source)
Saving recordings to files
# dump live_dj recordings to a filetime_stamp='%m-%d-%Y, %H:%M:%S'output.file(%mp3,"./live_dj_#{time_stamp}.mp3",live_dj,fallible=true)
The output function can also output to a file. It would be nice to save the live
input recordings to disk. We can use time format modifiers to help us sort
through the recordings later.
just the begining of a world of soap
I hope this simple example got you started in creating your own radio with
liquidsoap. There are many more features that I didn’t cover such as blank
detection, more complex playlists, fallbacks, audio effects, metadata and more. I hope to
cover these in future articles.
If you have any feedback or questions, please don’t hesitate to leave me a comment or shoot me an
email! I love talking about this stuff.
Modern Online Radio with Liquidsoap Book - Free Sample
Need more help with liquidsoap?
Can’t get your script to work?
I wrote a book to help you learn Liquidsoap. The book covers all aspects of liquidsoap, from getting started, to making dynamic streams, audio processing, video, customizing metadata, authentication, and more. The book is available for purchase now here!
You can get a free sample chapter of my book! Just enter your email address to subscribe to my mailing list and I'll send you a free PDF sample of the book in return.